I wish retail therapy was covered by my health insurance

I wish retail therapy was covered by my health insurance!

Wikipedia best describes this ‘optional extra’ I’m balloting for as; “Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer’s mood or disposition. Often seen in people during periods of depression or stress, it is normally a short-lived habit.”

It soothes the soul, eases all cases of ‘having nothing to wear’ anxiety and cures ailments of last-seasonitis. Seriously, who doesn’t agree that a ‘Retail Therapy’ tick box wouldn’t get selected at least a 1000 times a day on a health insurance policy… Who’s with me shopping addicts?


I wish retail therapy was covered by my health insurance!

Health Cover by June 30


It’s June and that means two things… 1. Mid-season sales are in full swing (woohoo, some added fuel to my shopping/retail therapy addiction) and 2. It’s the end of financial year, meaning health funds are hola’ing at us from all directions to get health insurance (maybe not woohoo, but let’s not ignore the important message to get your health cover sorted.

My tone of voice in this post might be lighthearted, but health insurance is a serious topic!

I can personally recommend Bupa. As my health insurer for the past 8 years (and having been with another insurer prior), I am one happy customer. Through times of illness, when I’ve needed it most, they have been there for me without hassle or worry.

Some policies out there have so many exclusions that you’ll wonder what you are paying for. If you’re getting health cover, be sure to get quality health cover. Bupa can explain what ‘quality’ really means, and discuss with you which cover options offer the best value and quality for you.


Talk to Bupa today about what cover you need.

Visit them now at bupa.com.au, call them on 134 135 or find your local Bupa centre here.


PS. If you too would like ‘Retail Therapy’ to be covered by your health insurance, be sure to leave your name in the comments below. It can be our official online petition 😉



This post is brought to you by Nuffnang and Bupa.




Emily Collie is Founder and Editor of well-known Australian travel blog, Melbourne Girl. Emily has written travel articles for Expedia, eHarmony, Amex Shop Small Blogger Series and Racing.com, and has been featured on many Australian websites including Mimco Mimzine and Bonds Australia Blog, and was invited on behalf of the VRC and Myer, to judge the Myer Fashions on the Field competition on Emirates Melbourne Cup Day.


  • June 28, 2016

    J.S. Allen

    Time is more valuable than possessions.

  • July 16, 2016

    Jen Sherwood

    Your posts are great, Emily! Retail Therapy should definitely be covered! It’s great for our mental health 😉

  • July 17, 2016

    Emily Collie

    Thanks so much Jen x

  • January 15, 2017

    Natalie P.

    This awesome! I couldn’t agree more!

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